Saturday, January 7, 2012

transformation and transduction of bacteria

Describe what happens in bacterial transformation and transduction. 

The transformation occurs when the bacteria cell accepts foreign DNA and incorporates it into it's own. There was an experiment that was done to test if E. coli  will grow on amplicin, which is a piece of DNA that forms as a products of natural or artificial amplification events, on their plate. This was conducted by Flourogreen, to test a theory.Transduction is a process where DNA is transferred from bacterium to another in the method of a virus. It does not require cell-to-cell contact, and is also DNAase resistant. A common method that is involved in molecular bilogy where it introduces an outside gene into a host's cell's geneome.Thus, leading to how antibiotic drugs are present today. It helps people and is effective b.c of foreign genes into bacteria.

 Campbell, 6th edition

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