Saturday, January 7, 2012

microbe zoo

What is a microbe? 
-it is a microorganism like a pathogenic bacterium that is necessary for growing all crops.

List the FOUR MAJOR groups of microbes.
-virus, bacteria, protozoa, fungi

What is microbial ecology?
it is an ecology of microorganisms, is involved with one another and the environment, also involves 2 domains: archaea, bacteria, eukaryota  

Now begin browsing the sites (go back to the main page). As you go, keep a log of what kinds of microbes you find and where you found them.
Record the Zoo Location and What kinds of microbes are there? Include a short description or interesting information.
Include some pictures

-mites are microscopic creatures found in beds and couches
-thermophiles- lives in a person's hot areas: hot springs water heater, they love the hot areas and can thrive in it.  
psychrophiles- live on snow and ice but will die in room temp. They love the cold
-mycorrhizae lives inside root cells and form structures like are called arbuscules: little trees
the organs of a termite digest wood, the bacter and protist in the termites organs help it survive and thus, it provides the microbe a place to live.
-escherichia coli live inside and outside of humans and animals
-pilobolus grows on feces/dung of an animal and thus attaches to it and spreads it's spores so other animals can eat it and the cycle continues
-vibrio cholera- bacteria that causes severe diarrhea, but is treatable
-giardia lamblia is a cause of giardiasis and causes diarrhea, gas, cramps

Snack bar microbes: 
-saccharomyces cerevicae: yeast, a fungus. Can produce alcohol w.o air
-lactobacillus produces an acid that eats away the pod of coco beans.

water world microbes: rhodospirillum rubrum: purple bacteria that requires organic compounds for water:

pilobolus fungi: 


                                                                    giardia lamblia


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