Saturday, January 7, 2012

compare and contrast: cellular respiration and photosynthesis

Photosynthesis: cloroplasts of the plants capture light from the sun and converts it into chemical energy stored in sugar and other molecules. 
cellular respiration: oxgyen is consumed as a reactant with organic fuel.

-They both utilize ATP
- Take place in organelles, cellular respiration, it takes place in the mitochondria and photosynthesis it takes       place in the chloroplast
-involve electron transport chains
-chemiomosis allows ATP synthase to produce ATP
-power is needed in both processes

-2 electrons tranport chain utilize in photosynthesis, not 1
- cellular respiration depends on oxygen as a substrate
-photosynthesis: energy is provided by photons and not catabolic processes as cellular respiration
-celluar respiration involves FADH2 and NADH
-photosynthesis involves NADPH
-photosynthesis captures enegery while cellular respiration releases it
-CO2 and H2O is a substrate in photosynthesis
celluar respiration reactants: glycogen and oxygen, products: carbon dioxide and hydrogen
-photosynthesis equadtion : 6CO2--> C6H1206+6O2
cellular respiration equation: 6O2+C6H12O6-->6CO2+6H2O
- photosynthesis reactants: carbon doxide and hydrogen products: oxygen, glucose
source: Campbell Sixth edition

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