Sunday, January 22, 2012

Time,. Love Memory Analysis

In Time, Love, Memory, the concepts that it tried to give was that in biology evolution, genetics, and mating are key concepts in this book. Developing a way to test of the genetics of a fruit fly was genius, it also showed how mating these different flies can help create different other flies that have different traits and characteristics. For example, the fruit flies that were crossed had many different sort of mutations, and it took a long time for it to finally produce a fly that had the right kind of mutation they wanted. The result was a fruit fly with white eyes. By crossing these flies, evolution, genetics and mating all played a major factor. Antoher example was testing whether these flies favored the dark or lighter side. By testing it, they needed a jar that seprated two sides, one is the dark side and the other one is the lighter side. Many flies in the end like the light. In this book it talks about how the body and human organs can always be a surprise and each and everyday there is something new to be discovered. For example, with the brain, the discovery that the corpus collusm was a big deal did not hit home till an experiement was tested. In order to test out what these two hemisphere had to do with the other, the scientists dissected the brain of a cat, and a frog. These operations caused the animals to act different and by doing so, it showed through their actions. Humans and animals are alike and thus, we can relate to these sorts of operation. Genetics eventually lead to evolution. We always learn to adapt to change and to do so, we would learn to survive what is to come in life. This book is very eye opening and teaches us about biology is a novel and about experiments that we never thought was possible. 

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